Marco Túlio de Oliveira Valeriano
System Analyst Pleno | Software Engineer
Developing Wealth Management at Inter
Dec 15, 2023
As part of the development team at Banco Inter, I had the opportunity to be part of a project that made a big impact: Wealth Management, also known as WM around here. This internal system came to revolutionize how our consultants and bank managers interact with clients, providing personalized investment recommendations and a more tailored approach to customer service.
Software EngineerReactJSInProductionTypescriptLintFigmaForWorkInter CompanyTestsDemoCodeSystem for Restaurants to Accept Orders
Jan 6, 2021
Cliente Fiel, a company specializing in customized applications for restaurant delivery services, required a separate panel that could be installed on their computers. This panel was intended for managing orders received through their app or restaurant website. Moreover, it needed integrations with various delivery platforms like iFood, Uber Eats, mechanisms for summoning delivery personnel, and updating order statuses.
Cliente Fiel CompanyReactJSInProductionJavascriptElectronFigmaForWorkDemoCodeDashboard for the Customer to Configure the Application
Jan 5, 2021
The administrative panel of Cliente Fiel served as a platform for customers to register digital menus, loyalty programs, sales reports, customer data, inventory control, and financial information. However, the existing panel had an outdated layout and suffered from poor performance.
Cliente Fiel CompanyReactJSInProductionJavascriptFigmaForWorkDemoCodeSee moreReflections on 2023: A Journey of Growth and Achievements
Dec 28, 2023
When I look back and think about everything I experienced in 2023, an immense sense of gratitude fills my heart. It was a year filled with challenges that led me to new horizons and made me grow in ways I never imagined.
AnnotationOpenLetter2023CareerDeveloperHow Transitioning from JavaScript to TypeScript Revolutionized My Frontend Development
Dec 12, 2023
In the vast landscape of web development, JavaScript has long been the go-to language for crafting interactive and dynamic web experiences. However, a significant shift occurred when I made the move from JavaScript to TypeScript in my frontend development. This transition not only reshaped my coding practices but also substantially improved the overall quality and efficiency of my work.
JavascriptTypescriptArticleDeveloperInternational Career Mentoring
Nov 22, 2023
At these meetings, Leandro Baptista in partnership with Rocketseat will talk about International Career Strategy and Job Hunting: understanding how to position yourself in the international market, what the hottest opportunities are and how to be connected to them.
AnnotationMentoringRocketseatCareerMy Experience at the Company Cliente Fiel
Jan 9, 2021
Cliente Fiel, a groundbreaking startup, introduced a digital menu for delivery and customer loyalty programs. Guilherme Vasconcelos, CEO, and Pablo Reis, Co-Founder, were pivotal in this innovative venture.
Cliente Fiel CompanySoftware EngineerOpenLetterCareerForWorkSee more